The word ‘Bunker’ conjures an image of a hard, cold, uncomfortable but protective space. Oztent’s Bunker Pro couldn’t be further from this description. While it definitely offers excellent protection from the elements like a good bunker should, its level of comfort is...
Government announces overhaul of firearm laws

Government announces overhaul of firearm laws

Associate justice minister Nicole McKee has unveiled a comprehensive plan to reform New Zealand’s firearms laws. “The Arms Act has been in place for over 40 years. It has been amended several times – in a piecemeal and sometimes rushed way. This has resulted in...
Book reviews: June 2024

Book reviews: June 2024

Pick of the month Environmental Defenders: Fighting for our natural worldRaewyn PeartBateman Books$79.99 Through a series of captivating stories, Environmental Defenders tells the tale of how the law has been mobilised to protect some of New Zealand’s most precious...
The art of pothole duck hunting

The art of pothole duck hunting

It can be an odd thing about many duck shooters: many tend to congregate in certain familiar duck shooting places when they can enjoy their sport in relative peace and without nearby shooters mucking up their shooting. You know the score – chaps who blast off at...
Fishing & Outdoors Vol 6 Issue 6

Fishing & Outdoors Vol 6 Issue 6

In a significant development, Forest & Bird and the Fiordland Wapiti Foundation have agreed to pause legal proceedings concerning the management agreement with the Department of Conservation (DOC) over the Fiordland wapiti herd. This pause aims to facilitate...