by F&O NEWS DESK | Feb 2, 2022 | News
A public health warning has been issued against collecting shellfish from the South Island West Coast between Greymouth and Charleston. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) detected diarrhetic shellfish toxins in mussels from 12-Mile Bluff at levels above the...
by F&O NEWS DESK | Apr 30, 2021 | Editor's pick, News
A full year-round closure has been placed to the recreational harvesting of shellfish on east Auckland’s Cockle Bay/Tuwakamana beach from 1 May 2021. The ban replaces the previous seasonal restriction and will be reviewed after a period of three years. The year-round...
by F&O NEWS DESK | Mar 4, 2020 | News
The amount of wastewater going into the Manukau Harbour is having a direct effect on its water quality, causing a dramatic decrease in shellfish numbers and changing the way people use the harbour. According to Jim Jackson, chairman of the Manukau Harbour Restoration...